Extensive renovation of the 1955 Sanctuary building is nearing completion which means it’s time to turn our attention to Phase Two of the facilities improvement project, guided by FBC’s commitment to spaces that are accessible to all, hospitable for our community, and beautiful in ways that point to God. Two weeks from now, Keener-Squire construction crews will begin the demolition process on FBC’s Education Building.
If you swing by 16th and O this week you’ll find that the FBC staff offices are a hodgepodge of half-packed boxes, stacks of paper to be shredded, books separated into piles for keeping and giving away, and a growing number of trash bags filled with “stuff.”
“Reminiscing is a hindrance when trying to meet packing deadlines. But it’s so, so good for the soul.”
Packing for a move can be mind-numbingly tedious. At the same time, it can yield beautiful gifts in the form of memories—which is why packing always takes more time than we allow. We march into the room with empty boxes and focused determination and wind up thumbing through old letters and photos and mementos that remind us of experiences we’ve all but forgotten and people whose names and faces we haven’t thought about in a very long time.
Reminiscing is a hindrance when trying to meet packing deadlines. But it’s so, so good for the soul.
On Sunday, November 7, the FBC family is invited to reminisce and to dream forward by taking a prayer walk through both buildings,* guided by an Ignatian prayer practice known as the “examen”. Here is an abbreviated form of the prayer still prayed daily by many Christ followers around the world:
On Sunday, Nov. 7, the FBC family is invited to reminisce and to dream forward by taking a prayer walk through both buildings…
Become aware of God’s presence. Give thanks for God’s great love for you. Pray for the grace to understand how God is acting in your life.
Remember with gratitude. This step is the heart of the examen. In the company of Holy Spirit, ask:
What are some of the experiences I’ve known in these spaces?
Where did I find God in those experiences?
Who are some of the people who’ve worn Christ’s face to me in these experiences and spaces?
Pay attention to your emotions. Reflect on the feelings you experience as you remember people and events and moments. What is God saying through these feelings?
As you enter the “new” Sanctuary building, look toward tomorrow. Ask:
How may these new facilities serve the purposes of God in the lives of this congregation and in our community?
How may I/we give ourselves away for the sake of love?
What will it look like for me/us to wear Christ’s face and to be Christ’s hands and feet in the months and years ahead?
What gifts from God do I/we need (faith, hope, hospitality, strength, etc.) to fulfill my/our holy calling?
Pay attention to the feelings that surface as you anticipate the future.
May we see and know God’s loving presence as we say goodbye and hello.
Peace and grace,
*Only the Education Building and main floor of the Sanctuary Building (which includes a new ADA-compliant restroom) will be fully accessible on November 7th as we await final permitting on the new elevators.