Evening with Dr. Laura Parajón from Nicaragua - Wednesday, Aug. 29


Dinner @ 6:30pm; Conversation with Dr. Laura Parajon @ 7pm
Join us on Wednesday, August 29, for dinner and a conversation with Dr. Laura Parajon from AMOS (A Ministry of Sharing) Hope and Healing in Nicaragua. AMOS is a Christian non-profit organization that exists to improve the health of impoverished communities by working alongside them in health, education and development. Laura and her husband, Dr. David Parajon, lead AMOS and are both American Baptist missionaries. In April 2008, FBCDC sponsored a team of 17 that went to Nicaragua to help lay the foundation for the Evelyn L. Shockey Medical Clinic in rural Nascascolo (Evelyn was a long-time member of FBC). Please join us as we learn first-hand from Laura about the critical situation in Nicaragua due to the civil unrest, and how it is affecting their work.
